Art Deco shelving

If you want to achieve that Art Deco style in your living room, dining room or bedroom, one choice to make is to buy antique wood-based shelving. Wooden furnishings are an excellent choice because they last a long time and have an elegant, classic look that no other material can replicate. There's no doubt that antiques can bring out the drama in any room, but if you've got a modern space to look after, you need to use antiques with care, as you'll need to think about how they'll fit in. As well as making sure the furniture will complement the style of the room, it's also essential that it fits the budget too.

If you have a modern living room with clean lines, you'll probably go for standard furniture such as a sofa or love seat. The look can be completed with simple lamps and floor lamps with steel type bases. If you're not constrained by the space available, you can try unusual designs such as Italian chandeliers or even furniture such as a wall chandelier. It really depends on what the theme of your home is.

But if space is really an issue, you may well have to go for Art Deco-inspired furniture. Some examples of this style include wardrobes or glass cabinets. These are often hand-painted with beautiful floral patterns and the finish on them can be gold, silver or even bronze. They look absolutely fantastic.

If you're going to do wooden antiques, the sky's the limit. This includes everything from dining chairs to large wardrobes. The walnut, oak or pine look is very popular at the moment and can look stunning with modern fabrics like silk or velvet. There's something very romantic about antique furniture and it gives any room a sense of elegance and importance.

A more contemporary take on the Art Deco style was begun in the sixties and seventies by American furniture designer Louis Confort. He used vibrant colours, geometric shapes and bold finishes to create an entirely new look. Again, there's a lot of imagination and originality about modern deco pieces. They will often be designed to mimic items from the 1930s.

If you don't want to go for the obvious, there are plenty of antique pieces that can really give your living space a wonderful look. For example, you might like a small decanter or wine rack to match the baroque design of your furniture. The same goes for antiques such as a mantelpiece screen or a trawler. If you like a more eclectic mix of influences, you can get it all in one room or form an entire living room set.

The Art Deco shelving units on the market today are extremely elegant. They are made from a wide range of materials and are available in a variety of sizes. Some are unusually shaped and feature unusual materials such as needles. Others look more decorative with silver-leaf glass or marble inlays. Still others come in plain white metal. Whatever you want, you can find a model to suit your taste in your local furniture shop or online.

You can use any number of different designs to create a theme for your room. One idea is to use a black and white shelf to look at photos of the family while you have coffee or tea in the kitchen. Another idea is to use a black and red shelf to display artwork in your home. Maybe you want something a little different for your bedroom, try one with a Victorian look. Decorating your home in this way will give a unique feel.
